As of 1 May 2022, under the Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Information) Regulation 2021, all NSW Strata Schemes are required to submit one annual report per calendar year to the Strata Hub portal. A $3 administration fee per lot will also be enforced which will contribute to the running costs of Strata Hub, and penalties may apply if a report is not submitted. No NSW strata schemes are exempt.
The aim of the report is to digitally consolidate records of all the strata schemes throughout the state, providing benefits to strata communities such as more accessible and up to date information, support for emergency services in the case of an emergency, and targeted communication and improved strata services.
What is a strata scheme?
‘A strata scheme is a building or group of buildings that has been divided into ‘lots’, which may be individual apartments, office, industrial, commercial or retail units, townhouses or houses.’ – NSW Land Registry Services
What is Strata Hub?
Strata Hub is an online portal which enables key information to be recorded and accessed for schemes, service providers, and the government, for the operation of strata schemes and their regulatory requirements.
It comes with the NSW governments’ number of initiatives which aim to provide transparency, accountability, better regulation and further engagement of owners and residents within NSW strata schemes.
Who submits the reports?
The report can be submitted by secretaries, chairpersons, and strata managers.
What will the report contain?
The report will contain information of the highlighted strata scheme and is split into the following sections:
Basic information about the strata scheme:
- Strata plan number for the strata scheme
- Registration date of strata scheme plan
- For schemes part of larger community schemes: registration date of community scheme and plan number
- For schemes part of a precinct scheme: registration date of scheme and plan number
- Address of strata scheme
- The total no. of lots that are in the strata scheme
- of lots involved
- As residences
- For retirement village or commercial purposes
- For other purposes
Building and safety information:
- If the scheme has any NABERS ratings assigned to the strata scheme
- Date that the strata scheme’s interim and final occupation certificates were issued (if applicable)
- Date of the most recent annual fire safety statement (if applicable)
- of storeys the building has above ground (if it is a class 2 building)
- The insured replacement value for the strata scheme or – if the strata scheme is only part of a larger building – the replacement value for the part of the building that holds the scheme.
Management of the scheme:
- Contact details for the secretary of the owner’s corporation:
- Name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Contact details of the strata managing agent (if applicable):
- Name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Corporate licence number
- Contact details for the building manager (if applicable):
- Name
- Phone number
- Email address
- The date of the most recent Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- The balance of the most recent AGM
- Whether the strata scheme has formed a strata renewal committee
What information will be publicly available?
Specific details gathered from the annual return/report will be made available publicly via the NSW Fair Trading website such as:
- Strata plan number, address, and date of registration for subject strata scheme
- Number and purpose of lots in the scheme
- Whether the strata scheme is part of a parent community or precinct scheme
- of storeys above ground (for class 2/apartment buildings), and
- The date of the most recent AGM
Who can I contact for more information?
NSW Fair Trading is the government body that oversees all NSW strata (including Strata Hub) related inquiries such as assistance on the management and repair of strata properties, as well as dispute resolution.
If you need to prepare for annual reporting, visit the NSW Government’s guide here, where they provide useful key steps to take. All information on this post was sourced from their website.