
Quantity Surveyor

For 30 years, our business’s core discipline is Quantity Surveying, providing specialised construction economics services throughout a project’s life cycle. Our reporting standards set an industry benchmark and have been developed over years of auditing projects for some of the country’s largest financiers, industry peers, and regulators. As a trusted and respected panel member of many financial institutions of Australia, our independent advice on construction risks is relied upon for hundreds of new development projects each year.


Feasibility Studies

A feasibility study assesses the viability of a project for the developer to determine the profitability of a project at a minimal cost. Using basic dimensioned sketches and industry experience, we can produce the initial development costs to enable the decision making process at the early stages.

Cost Planning

We provide Initial Cost Plans that assess the development cost at the early stages of documentation. This is usually done when the project brief is being created through to schematic phase, as cost planning has its greatest impact in a projects earliest phases. They can be refined at further stages of the design process as the documentation evolves. Find out more here.

Council Cost Reports

This report is prepared for the sole purpose of providing a proposed cost of development to accompany the DA submission to the consent authority to enable to provision of the Section 7.12 levy (formerly section 94A levy) in accordance with Clause 25J Section 7.12 levy of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. Find out more here.

Embodied Emission Material Statement or NABER Calculations and Estimates

From 1 October 2023, all new residential and all non-residential developments must include an Embodied Emissions statement within their Development Application (DA) submission, in accordance with the Sustainable Buildings SEPP. This regulatory framework is designed to encourage sustainable construction methods and mitigate the ecological footprint of structures within NSW. Read more.

Capital Investment Value (CIV) and Employment Estimates

When it comes to meeting the guidelines laid out in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, especially regarding Part 8’s focus on in-fill affordable housing, our team of Quantity Surveyors is ready to help. We’re experts at accurately determining the Capital Investment Value (CIV) of projects and can proficiently forecast both the retention and generation of jobs throughout the construction and operational stages.

Gross Floor Area Validation Reports

This report is often a requirement of the development application to verify the reliability and truthfulness of the areas provided on the drawings. This process allows for an independent, impartial and thorough assessment of the proposed project and its compliance with the requirements of floor space ratio and gross floor areas.

Head Contract Selection and Drafting of the Special Conditions

Quantity Surveyors are experts in drafting construction contracts. As such, our expertise can help the owner understand the often confusing and overwhelming process of contract selection. Following contract selection, we can draft the contract conditions and special conditions ready for tender.

Construction Programming

With our detailed knowledge of construction techniques and technology, we can create and manage a construction programme in the form of an easy to read Gantt chart. This outlines the task names, durations, start and end dates, predecessors and critical path, in line with the project financier’s delivery milestone dates, builders forecast and developer’s objectives.

Construction Finance Initial Reports

This report is a mandatory requirement of all project financiers of an owner to instruct a QS to assess the project and submit a formal report prior to bank funding approval. This includes creating an independent QS budget, reviewing the development application, architectural drawings, contract conditions, insurances, consultants’ reports and professional indemnity insurance levels, pre-sales and lease agreements amongst other requirements, and making comments and recommendations where required. Find out more here.


Progress Drawdown Reports

These reports are a mandatory requirement of all project financiers of an owner to instruct a QS on a minimum monthly basis to certify the value of works on a cost to complete basis. The report will also vet the essential project information, including but not limited to the construction program, project documentation such as boundary check surveys, structural engineer certificates, construction certificates, insurances, consultants professional indemnity insurances, unfixed plant and material, pre-sales and lease agreements amongst other requirements, and make comments and recommendations. Find out more here.

Variation Assessment Control

Any changes to the head contract between the client and the builder may lead to a variation of the Head Contract, and can either have a positive or a negative impact to the project and contract sum. Our office assesses any variation changes and advises with regards to the cost implications.

Strata Building Bond and Inspections Scheme

The Strata Building Bond and Inspections Scheme now requires the developer of new strata buildings that are 4 storeys or higher to pay a strata building bond, prior to obtaining occupation certificate. There are 8 stages to comply with this scheme and many of them involve a quantity surveyor. Find out more here.

Expert Witness Reports

At any stage of a project, if a developer finds that they are in dispute with their head contractor, then we are able to provide an Expert Witness Report to support any claims to be presented during litigation. We are on the Panel of AIQS Expert Witnesses and are suitably qualified and experienced in providing impartial and thorough assessments of construction costs at any stage of the project.

Post Occupancy 

Tax Depreciations Reports

The report is to estimate the depreciation and associated tax allowances that may be available to the owner under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA97), Division 40 (plant and equipment) and Division 43 (capital works). It may be used to enable property investors to determine the deductible portion of the original costs of plant, equipment, and capital works on their investment property in each financial year over forty (40) years of ownership. Find out more here.

Dilapidation Reports

Owners Corporations often require Dilapidation Reports to be completed before construction projects commence adjacent to their property. This is done to ensure the thorough protection of their property both prior to and after the construction process.

The Dilapidation Reports comprehensively document the current conditions of the property through photographic records and detailed descriptions. These records are retained over time in case they are needed for litigation or dispute resolution, helping to identify any differences in property conditions that may have arisen prior to the commencement of any construction work.

Building Defect Cost Reports

Building defects cost reports are part of a scotts schedule. This report calculates the estimated material and labour costs to undertake the rectification of defects including access, safety, protection, overheads and builders profit margin. The process of undertaking this report includes a site visit and measure to document the size, depth, length and number of defects, as well as what are the adjacent surfaces. These all affect the costings. We utilise the latest methods and costing techniques to achieve defect rectification outcomes that are fit for purpose and enable owners to understand the scope of works and actively plan for improvements.

Asset Management Plans for Retirement Villages

As of July 1st 2021, new legislation was introduced to the Retirement Villages Act 2017 that requires all retirement villages located in NSW to prepare and make available to their residents’ an Asset Management Plan. The plan is prepared for a 10 year period must be prepared by an independent quantity surveyor or the auditor of the village whose appointment was consented by the residents, and contains the following four components:

  1. Asset Management Plan
  2. Asset Register
  3. Maintenance Schedule
  4. 3-year Report

Archi-QS can help you comply with the reforms to the Act, by either creating or auditing a pre-exiting asset management plan.

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